Monday 9 April 2007

too long in the avoidance stage

originally this blog was going to be one of those greatly praised foodie sites,i see so many i look through so many wonderful ones,and each one makes me want to achieve such a blog.i have thought about it for so long now my head ahces,how could i do it how to make it different,but then one afternoon the thought popped into my head,one that may help me to decide where to go with my great foodie blog...i simply dont no enough.i dont have great adventures all over the world tasting all the culinery delights out there,i dont no enough recipes that are different to others on the blogs,and i simply dont have enough experience with knowing what to put or how to put it down.and when i do cook my family have usually indented so many fingers in it that it isnt worth photographing,which could be seen as a complimant or simply due to the fact i have told them tea would be ready at five and then when they actually all get to the table,after someone is late or someone has gone off in a mood because they wanted it at a different time,by this time they have all become inpatient and started dishing themselves there food and gone to whichever corner of the house,of course corners with t.v and tucked in,thus making a pigs ear of my invention. but time might be changing,there have been many discusion and it has been decide something needs to be done about the state of the food in our house and how it is eaten,and so more and more meals have been eaten round the table with eachother,of course with the excpetion there is still a t.v...well come on compramise is the key to any functional family(or for any family that wants to be functional and at the same time please the men of the house.)
to the blog making site i came and thought hey,how many people are ataully going to stumble on my blog and take the time to read it, so from that i thought i'll just call it random doodles because that what it will be,just stuff and more stuff,no real purpose or interest to anyone but something for me to do and look back on and think wow i wrote that or wow that was before i became the most famous blogger of the century haha maybe not but whatever!so that was decided this blog would be full of random cr*p of no iterest to anyone but me somtimes not even that,like a mini time capsule to look back and and think wow i did that or wow i did that!and hopefully as i continue with my foodie passion i will conquer more worlds and there foods and be able to experience some kick ass recipes and amazing ways of writing blogs that make sense and are spelt right,because to be honest when it comes to reading back on what i have written i am not all to great,which doesnt say much of how interesting my post are if i cant even get myslef to read it through.never mind though!

that thought was a few days ago or more infact and i still havent plucked up the courage to go for it,take the leap and accept that my blog may be rubbish and i might realise the fear of being a total failure at everything.then again noone will read this,and since i cant be bothered to read it back there's not problem. is there !? so in baby steps i will try and give it a go and see if i can leanr along the way because i sure have alot of that to do.

and easter is on the doorstep and that brings round lots of stories about my family and there chocolate addictions,all of which i can write down if for no other reason than the fact its something i no much about therefore shouldnt find to har writing about...maybe.

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