i no this post isnt exactly on time with the goings on with the rest of the world ha!but easter was quite big for us this year so i feel it needs mentioning.
first up(the picture above) ..we make these nest every easter without fail.this year it even happened twice because my sister tried them with her uni mates too,allthough we couldnt find the recipe at one point so she did get her ingredients a wee bit mixed up!this year was different was slightly different though because it was left to me,one of those moment were it 'well do you want me to make them'and everyone says oh i dont mind its up to you.ha try saying 'oh i wont bother then' and there attitude soon changes to 'oh no you must you must'.the recipe did dissappear for a while though and we searched our brains as to which recipe book it was from,there are many different types of these nests on the internet,some with kirspies,some with cocoa,real chocolate,and shredded wheat,but nonone will ever be posted that is the same as ours,or so it seemed,maybe i dint look quite hard enough.our recipe is made with..kornflakes,syrup and drinking chocolate oh and if you dont have the mini eggs dont bother.
so this was the first easter crafting and they went dont a treat of course.allthough they could have done with a bit more syrup mixture the reason i think this part went wrong is that the recipe is measure in tablespoons so when you get to your 20th tblespoon of konrflake one can get a tiny bit confused!
and then here it is the selection of chocolates recieved this year,hahahah oh no though not all there were ohter little bits ands bobs that didnt make it to this photo and that were already being digested by this point but thats still a fiar amount,saying that there are a few bits left.my sister isnt a chocolate eater to be honest so her egg is still left,but she picks when she wants to.the creme eggs went first,closlely followed by the nests and then the eggs and bunnies and the only reason for this i think was because they were out in the utility in a cupboard.
but that wasnt it for easter celebrations,my borther is following in my much adored footsteps of cooking,he is a bit of snob with his cooking though and will never offer to cook tea or anything,he will only offer to cook when there is no limit on expense for his ingredients and if he can go all out and gourmet,what can you expect from my father son!but he did cook a three course meal and everyone said they liked it so hey who can complain,oh yes thats it me,because iw as left clearing up whilst they sat down to eat it...typical...typical typical.
this was his starter,he has done this one ever since he started cooking but the brilliant thing to see is he has imprved it each time it started with a simple chunk of cheese wrapped in bacon and has now gone to this little masterpiece on a plate and now even has a garlic fried cicle of bread.
this was one of the favourites i think plus everyone was starving as he had called them to the table ages before it was ready and the smells were getting to them somewhat.
then there was the galxy torte pudding.well done little bro.good round up to good easter i wreckon.
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