my first post on here was all abut my family trip to wales. we are now back and have been for a short while,but decide to right about it now because i miss it already.the major thing that happened to us what our roof blew off and back into a neighbours garden,yes thats right the roof blew off.luckily we hadntarrived yet,but i tell you when you get the phone call the night before you set off,telling you oh by the way its o.k its been fixed but the roof did fly off and blew back into someone esle garden.to be honest the look on my brothers face was rather amusing,from thinking
why do they choose to play cricket so close to the sea? boys...
we were joking to pure terror it was commical,but maybe not so much to him,especailly when i splurted out a giggle at his expense.not cool aooerently.my reaction was a mixture, to be wuite honest it was all rather exciting,the thought of the roof blowing off did scare me in some sense but in the other as long as i stayed pinned to my bed at night i wasnt all too panicky as we wernet in the dessert and could get help easily.one thing we did make the decision though was to keep this tiny bit of information from my gran,who gets very panicked and would have come up with some mystery illness like eating an off cucumber to stop her from coming,she was told only after we had picked her up,her suitcases were in the boot,and she was strapped in and a safe distance away from her front door so she couldnt dive out the door and make it back to her house!she was puzzled for a moment then you could see the panick,but then she relaxed,i think she was thankful in the end we didnt tell her.
after the four hour journey we arrived,it was dark by this time which isnt helpful but brother dearest wanted to finish his school day so of course we started our journey later than one would have hoped.andof course stopping for supply and mcdonalds was a must. things didnt start off all to breezy for me as i was already in the process of trying to get rid of a bug that had gone round the family and finshed with me,so when we got there i sped down the hill trying not to slip on my bum and straight for the toilet,i made it in time and was sick!yuk! one thing this did mean though was that instead of trying to think of the usual excuse not to have to traipse up and down the hill helping to unload the car,i was told to sit down and relax,this would have been better if i could actually make this choice and wasnt forced by my body to sit because my stomach was in my throat. i did get up and help unpack though as i did feel guilty about leaving it all to them.
then it was time to make the beds.and my usual ingnious ritual of putting my two single beds together slotting a duvet in the gap carefull so as not to cause an uncomfortable lump,and then stepping back to see my home-made double bed.then into the lounge to set up the electricals and settle in for the night of listening to the sea out the window and thinking what we would do the next few days.oh and there was a bar of chocolate magically found and spread on the table...typical!
that night all slept well...
the next day was like the first day at a new house,everyone was up ealry,trying to get the first look out the patio windows befroe opening them out onto the varinder and checking out the weather and the amazing view.to all our amazement it was soooooooooo hot,not usual for this time of year,so the chairs we got out the shed and the sun-cream was ready waiting to be squezzed if needed,which as it turns out would later be needed lots more than we could have ever hoped,as the weather was beautiful and very hot to the point of needing an umbrella to take time in the shade. as the morning went on lots of things happened all of which involved absolutely nothing!the only outing was to the bakery which only happened becasue it opened at 10:30 am and closed at 1pm but by this time would have been completely sold out.at the bakery we were served the usual tradition,sultana buns,doughnuts,and rolls all of which still warm...i later found when unpacking a sneaky cornsih pasty in there too...then a quick stop at the food store to get a hot chicken,some veg,fruit and other bits and bobs,again later unpackin this i found a chocalte bar!then homeward and to a lazy day at the beach and in front of the t.v because it may have been boootiful outside but soaps are not given up easily in our family not that i complained too much.as the evening settled in the usualy family game commneced turning into the usual family competion through the game,turning into the usualy family argument about competing in the the family game.ha,the chocolate was opened and the t.v switched on for some evening relaxation,the next day was simliar,excpet the evening was taken up byt the must have eat out.
and here comes in some foodie stuff, it was a long hard slog to decide where to go,it is never an issue there is the restuarent down the road that is walked to every time we come to the holiday,this time was different,everyones palettes we in the experimenting mood and so we deicded to go further a field only by five minutes mind to the place newly taken over down the road.on arriving we were nervous,the previous owners hadnt done the lovely little place justice and so we were tempted to turn back atthe last minute but we braved it and didnt regret it.as we stepped through the wooden door such warmth sweeped over us it almost picked us up and took us to the bar area.it was brilliantly lit,very traditional with wooden beams,cream walls,warm lighting and lots of happy people sitting,standng and serving.we were shown to our table immeidately after being shown the bar...clever!...it was quite neatly packed into a section of the restuarent but it didnt seem too bad after we got used to being so close to the people on the next table,which was probavbly due to the fact they were such lovely people.the menus came and we were given enough time to ponder yet not to be checking the time,and i was the person assigned to get up and look at the specials board,which a did t my irritation have to do a few time due to the lacking memory of the family.so the orders were taken by the sweet waitress with a european accent,she later came back and told us there was only one fish left so one would have to have the other option,but then found they had one more fish option which was basically the same anyway.and soon after the meals arrived,just enough time in between ordering to give the impression it ws all cooked fresh,so they are either extremely clever or too good at there jobs.the plates included,white fish delicately placed on a few salad leaves and drizzled with a buttery lemony sauce,antoher fish option which turned out to be the same just a different fish,a traditional stake and ale pie in a proper clay pot,a mixed salad,mixed veg,crunchy chips and a rack of lamb with a rosemary jus'.when the dishes first came out the family was a bit weary as they didnt think there wouldnt be enough for everyone,but in the end after all there rich foods they found it to be just enough and even managed to have room for pudding which they dont always manage due to other meals being to heavy and piled to hasitly on to the plates,so for dessert:there was a lemon and lime cheescake which brought a refreshing twinge to the nose as it was placed by my father,and the creme brulee with a bottom layer of fresh raspberrys and apperently it was the nicest pudding ever!the point of which was proven when my fussy brother dipped his fork in like it would eat his hand if i took more than a lick,slowly raised to the mouth, hovered outside,slowly inserted ready to be taken out if his unsufisticated burger eating mouth said so,and then licked clean straight away...and even dipped back in several times tothe point where my mum had to tell him to b*g off and get his own because it was hers,and at this point gran and dad had to try some too,and all the mmmmmmmmmmm's coming from our table and all the shhhhhhhhhhhh's coming from me because they were a little too enthusiastic for the people next to us,it proved it was a good pudding to round off a good meal,one last knotch on the menu was pops coffee shot,and then it was the bill,which was fabulous considering the sneaky glasses of wine that kept being summoned to the table. all in all everything was enjoyable that night!
the last day was all of the same,except there was a grocery store stop because there were some things you cant buy at the local place like clothes haha!
then it was the day of the long journey home,wont go into too much detail because it was a sad event as it always is leaving our beautiful beach place.
on the way home we took a detour to my sisters place as we hadnt seen her in a while and she had taken off with our ohter car and this wasnt acceptable behaviour since her uni gates are literally at the bottom of her garden!!this took more time than first thought because gran hadnt seen her in a while so she wanted to catch up,and the boyfriend was also there who we hadnt seen in a longer while,oh and one small factor when we arrived at her house she wsnt actually there and he housemates later infomred us she had gone down to the pub for a quick drink before we arrived,pops was happy but hannah was merry enough with drink not to be too bothered by his mood,which lifted after she gave him an easter cake.then back on the road.arriving home was difficult as usual because all we wanted to do was get out the car,sleepily make our way inside and into bed,but the usual at the bottom of the road talk was given "now remeber we all have to help unload and put stuff away" this talk is always given luckily we hadnt been away for as long this time,therefore not having as many bags,therfore not as much unloading ....therefore not so many moans from us all.-the little things in life eh!?-
i was on kitchen duty unpacking the cool box and chucking out all the old stuff,and finding a place for the bakery goods.then bed time and sleep was welcomed by all.not before a few curses as one by one each of us tripped over the bags in the hallway which of course each in turn refused to accept ownership to this stranded bag. the situation was investigated and uponopneing the bag with lots of " er no its your....er i no what my own bag looks like...your the only one that would leave a bag in the middle of the hall"it was found the guilty one was none of us or all of us depening on how you looked at it,because it was infact the bed linen bag.some muttering of sorry were spoken and then we all officially found ourbeds.