Monday 19 March 2007

to the first post we go,its like opening a new toy or having something brand new to look at,and so i am very excited about the prospect of my new toy!i have looked on so many blogs trying to get inspiration...and trying to force my limited vocabulary to grow,so to sound more detailed and beautiful as the many blogs i have scrolled through manage so effortlessly.
but maybe that will come as my blog age comes along,i hope so anyway..!

my first post i thought had to be about the weather we are having and the coming joys it will bring.i am not one for moaning about the rain,infact i can often be stared at by my wondering neighbours when i stick my head out our patio door,why you ask and they do too,because i find it quite refreshing,the smells it brings as it washes all the previous troubles away and the fresh smell of new life and new plants getting the first drink,wonderful!plus i find things around our village a whole lot more exciting as people randomly step in front of others dogging puddles only to land in an even bigger and much deeper one,and then the many curses coming from them and the many curses coming from those around them.and my giggles of course as i trample through each and every puddle with pure satisfaction and memories of being worryless and a child.

but as the sun comes i have to admit it does fill my cheeks with the need to spread and show many teeth.and the added extras of this weather is the other smiling faces around me,some troubles manage to dispurse into the sunshine at these times or at least get put to the side to take in the birds chirping, the different colours, and the many holiday brochures we get through our door,all of which are far to expensive but far to tempting to miss looking through.
but the main things that i am looking forward to this year is the usual holiday we go on everyhwere since i have been born and before me the place my dad went to from his birth too,to the same place at the same time......its not a particularly outragious resort,or a place that involves many flights to get to it or anything that involves too much effort really....all it takes is to pack the bags, summer clothes and sun-cream.....Bake some goodies, a must on all our holidays,....Get the beach bag(our huge sack full of bats and balls,spades and buckets and much more....then set off newly bought cds in hand ready for the few hour journey to our family home in wales,england.
now my family isnt one for major long journeys especially with a yonuger brother who still loves the famous 'are we there yet line' but knowing what we have waiting for us at the other end and seeing the hills and green pass us by is allways enough to settle the fidgeting bottoms.
and what waits for us at the other end....firstly a 'i can see the sea' first competition which has got more outragious, suprisingly as we have all got older as now about two mile inland we all shout it just to be first.then when we pull in its not the usual unpacking process,its all hands on deck as we have to hawl our luggage down a hill as our challet is quite close to the beach itself and so you have to go down the beaten track a bit to get to it,but which would we prefer BEING CLOSE TO THE BEACH ANY DAY I SAY !
me and mother usually manage to play our cards riGht and say oh we'll stay down here and unpack,always works always saves our blisters.and then after everything is down from car, the kettle is put on the food crate is unpacked.and the patio doors onto the varander and to the wonderful view to the beach is upon us,and then pure bliss for as long as we can get,without the rest of our family sending out search parties!
And finally it the stroll turning panting our way back up the hill,and to the village bakery where we are known and so is our usual order,and there is always our order wainting when we get job at this time is keeping tempted fingers out of the donut,hot cruss buns and fresh bread and pasty bag,all of which are still warm and so sending smells to there needy noses which find it so hard to bare.
so bring on the summer and our trip to wales.(the picture is on the main pages,gorgeous ey!)